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LSEMUN High School 2024 Assistant Chair Application
The LSEMUN Assistant Chair Programme​ offers an invaluable chance for sixth form students (Years 12-13 or equivalent) to shadow our chairs in the running of committees, all of whom are from well-known universities in the United Kingdom and are themselves seasoned delegates and chairs in the UK MUN Circuit. The aim is to provide sixth-form students with an opportunity to approach MUN from another perspective (i.e. conference preparation and leadership skills).
Assistant Chairs will be invited to hybrid workshops held online/at the LSE and will be working closely with our committee chairs in the preparation of study guides and chairing philosophy. These skills are highly sought after in tertiary institutions and would make them competitive chairing candidates in the UK's University MUN Circuit.

There are 16 committees available for application this year, 10 of which are General Assembly Committees, and 6 of which are Specialised Committees. You can choose to apply to the same type of committee, or choose a combination, although please factor in this combination when writing your responses.

Thank you for your interest in the LSEMUN High School 2024 Assistant Chair Programme. Applications are now closed, and interviews will be conducted in the upcoming weeks.

Please contact the Secretary-General, Kelvin, at should you have any questions.
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